Monday, January 4, 2016

Structure of the Daily Office

The Rule of St. Benedict presents a Daily Office which include a Night Office and seven day time offices.  While some Anglican Benedictines follow this pattern, the greater majority  use a fourfold office of Matins, Noonday Prayer, Vespers and Compline.  This format follows the fourfold pattern. 
The proposed pattern also differs from the pattern of the Book of Common Prayer.  Benedictine liturgical scholars have distinguished between the monastic and the cathedral offices. These two patterns differ in the use of the psalms.  With the Reformation, the monastic structure of the office was dropped and a new pattern introduced.  The Anglican reformed pattern consolidated the Benedictine structure into two offices.  With the exception of the Invitatory, antiphons were dropped as were most verses and responses along with the responsories.  This simplified structure allowed more people to follow the pattern of the office but a wealth of resources were lost.  This scheme returns to a Benedictine pattern.  A Hymn is placed at the beginning of the hour.  While the Holy Rule places the hymn after the psalmody, following the pattern established in Ephesians 5, this format follows the structure laid out in the revised Benedictine structure of the office that places the hymn at the start of the appropriate hour and so sets the theme for the hour taken either from the time of day or the liturgical season or the commemoration of a saint.   All the Psalms and Canticles use seasonal and sanctoral antiphons.  A Verse and REsponse separates the psalmody from the readings.  Responsories are returned to allow for a transition from meditation on scripture to prayer from scripture. 
The greatest difference comes in the section which the Book of Common Prayer calls The Prayers.  The Holy Rule establishes a pattern of a Litany, the Lord's Prayer and a single Collect to conclude the major hours of Matins and Vespers and that is the pattern laid out in this format.  The Book of Common Prayer introduced a pattern of multiple collects at Morning and Evening Prayer to substitute for the little hours of the Benedictine Office.  Since Noonday Prayer is integrated into the Daily Office, these collects that substitute for the Little Hours are dropped. 


  1. Introduction
2. Invitatory
    1. Antiphon 
    2. Psalm
    3. Antiphon


  1. Hymn


  1. Psalmody 
    1. Psalm 1

                                                              i.      Antiphon

                                                           ii.      Psalm 1

                                                         iii.      Antiphon

    1. Psalm 2

                                                              i.      Antiphon

                                                           ii.      Psalm 2

                                                         iii.      Antiphon

    1. Psalm 3

                                                              i.      Antiphon

                                                           ii.      Psalm 3

                                                         iii.      Antiphon


5.      Verse and Response




6.      Reading One


7.      Responsory One


9.      Canticle


a.      Antiphon


b.      Canticle


c.      Antiphon


10.   Reading Two


11.  Responsory Two



12.   Benedictus

a.      Antiphon

b.      Benedictus

c.      Antiphon


13.   Litany


14.   Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer


15.   The Lord’s Prayer


16.   Collect


17.   Conclusion


Noonday Prayer

1.       Introduction


2.      Hymn


3.      Psalmody


4.      Psalm 1

a.      Antiphon

b.      Psalm 1

c.      Antiphon


5.      Psalm 2

a.      Antiphon

b.      Psalm 2

c.      Antiphon


6.      Psalm 3

a.      Antiphon

b.      Psalm 3

c.      Antiphon


7.      Reading



8.      Verse & Response




9.      Kyrie


10.   The Lord’s Prayers


11.    Collect


12.   Conclusion


1.       Introduction


2.      Hymn


3.      Psalmody


a.      Psalm 1

                                i.      Antiphon

                             ii.      Psalm 1

                           iii.      Antiphon


b.      Psalm 2

i.        Antiphon

ii.     Psalm 2

iii.   Antiphon

c.      Psalm 3

i.        Antiphon

ii.     Psalm 3

iii.   Antiphon


4.      Verse & Response




5.      Reading


6.      Responsory


7.      Magnificat

a.      Antiphon

b.      Magnificat

c.      Antiphon


8.      Litany


9.      Invitation to the Lord’s Prayer


10.   The Lord’s Prayer


11.    Collect


12.   Conclusion



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